Friday, February 19, 2010

This is my first blog post

Hello and welcome to my blog! I hope that you find this enjoyable, maybe a little entertaining and that it gives you a glimpse inside my world. I don't have a whole lot to write tonight and may not have a lot to write a lot of the time. I'm just your average person. I'm a wife and a mom and surprisingly I'm not really that busy. I have a lot of free time which I should use to clean the house more. :) But I'm not one of those moms that has no free time and is running around doing a lot of stuff. Maybe that'll happen once the kids are older and in school, and after we have our third kid, which hopefully won't be for a couple of years. hehe Anyway, I'm just sitting here on a Friday night writing this. I don't go out and do a lot, but I do go out and do things, it's just not every night or every weekend. We're fortunate enough to have my husband's parents who watch our kids a lot so we can go out and do things, either by ourselves or with friends. It's nice to be able to get away and go to a movie or just dinner without the kids. I love my kids dearly but it is nice to have a break once in a while. All you parents out there know what I'm talking about. :) You just need to have a break from the kids and have some time by yourself or with your spouse and/or friends. Anyway, I will update you with anything that's worth posting about or if I just feel like posting something. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy! :)

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